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Meritocracy Quebec is the platform for the launch of the Republic of Quebec and the abolition of political parties.
Meritocracy elects competent humans to manage the government. If they do not do the job which they were chosen for, they are replaced but not at the next election in 4 years.
Direct representation is the obliged alternative and antidote to the puppets waltz in a false debate of political clowns who are serving the same interests in secret. Democracy is just a fascist corpocracy installed to control the population and keep it in a state of perpetual slavery while giving us the illusion of choosing between a few puppets.
When the inconscience and insouciance of the population become a threat for the respect of unalienable rights and the survival of the entire society, the time has come for the small number to take action.
And unfortunately for Quebec an its population, we are the neighbors of the most corrupt, degenerate, evil and infiltrated country in existence. The satanic politicians of the U.S Congress are about to be arrested and the Federal Reserve Bank will be frozen in a few months. So it is about time to wake up in Quebec and launch the Republic by joining the BRICS Alliance (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) and 180 Nations which are starting the People’s Bank to liberate us from the banksters grip.
The people of Quebec have been contaminated by creatures who are controlling the medias, the education system (indoctrination), the government and the business field infiltrated by secret societies, the hijackers of the banksters and big toxic and murderous industries. But we have reached a critical point where the mountain of lies and manipulations has become too evident to be ignored, and too unacceptable to be tolerated any longer. And the reality of the rest of the World is going to catch up with us since the BRICS Alliance will restore the Republic in the USA in a few months and proceed to the Global Currency Reset or GCR which will eliminate the value disparities of the products and services of each country.
A Nation and its people can’t be sovereign if they are at the mercy of private banks which are enslaving us with taxes and interests. However, no political party in Quebec are presenting the true solutions to get rid of the debt problem and creation of money that bring more cuts to public services year after year while the population is paying more than $30 Billion per year of interests alone on a debt that is impossible to reimburse -- but that should not even exist!
It is the online Referendum on Health in May 2016 which will officially establish the Republic of Quebec to allow the population to take its destiny in charge
Click here to know about the reasons to launch the Republic of Quebec and join the BRICS Alliance and 180 Nations – Click here for a list of articles and hard-hitting videos on what is hidden from you by Radio-Canada and all North American mass media networks regarding the changes that will be announced before the end of 2016.
Major investments will be made on the 6 main projects below in order to position Quebec in the BRICS Alliance and apply their model in the new Republic.
National priorities:
1- People’s Bank
2- Citizen's minimum income
> Creation of 1 000 clinics in every Quebec's city – $1 Billion and 25 000 jobs
> See more on http://www.trensquebec.qc.ca
A call is sent to all politicians, Government employees, lawyers, notaries, judges, military personnel, policemen, firefighters, doctors, chiropractors, nurses and ambulance personnel who have a sincere intention of serving the population: Join Meritocracy Quebec to participate in the Republic lift-off and be on the right side of the line for this historic event!
Contact us to get involved:
514 308-0131
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